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تخته شکن گردان نیمه اتوماتیک

برش زاویه ای دقیق تخته های سخت با حداکثر سرعت با استفاده از برش تخته دوار برای برش های طولی و عرضی. عملکرد آسان با تغذیه قابل تنظیم و سرعت برش. ژورنال نواری برای برش جاهای خالی به سرعت و آسان متصل می شود. تغذیه تخته بدون لغزش به رول های کششی ساخته شده از ترکیب موثر لاستیک/فولاد.
اطلاعات فنی (برای بزرگنمایی کلیک کنید)


Side Gathering Collator & Inline Stitching Machine GLORY is an impeccable solution for Signature Gathering of printed form of up to 30 stations with Side Stitching available in various sizes. The Glory gathers signatures from 42 gsm forms onwards. The Machine can run up to 5,000 signature blocks per hour with the facility of online wire stitching (optional) and rejection of bad copies. Configurations from 6 to 30 stations are possible with customization for particular applications. The book blocks can than be put up for perfect binding or needle thread sewing. The machine can be equipped with hand-fed station (optional).
• Glory, side gathering collates and collects printed forms. • Single sheet of 70 gsm and above can be gathered.
• 35gsm to 100 gsm folded signatures.
• 8 page to 32/64 page signatures.
• Rejection of bad copies. PLC operation.
• The machine can run up to 5,000 collected books, magazines,
catalogues, annual reports, etc. per hour.
• Facility of Inline wire stitching of up to 1 inch, with wire from 21 to 26 gauge.
• The book blocks can then be put up for perfect binding or needle thread sewing.
• Machine can gather signatures in 3 different variants.
ModelX-510mm SpineX280mm; ModelD-450mm SpineX280mm; Model G - 310 mm Spine X280 mm
• Can be integrated with an Inline Perfect Binding System.
Technical Data (Click to Enlarge)

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